Friday, June 11, 2010


"They put on a front that appears accommodating, loyal, and yes, even sacrificial.
Then, without warning, they raise their knife, and by the time you see the glint of the blade,
it's almost always too late."

"A sense of powerlessness fuels some backstabbers."

"The underlying problem with many backstabbers is a lack of self-esteem."

~Les Parrott~

one of my morning routines for these past few weeks had been to read quotes and blog-hop. I came upon a site where these short excerpts lay bear what I had observed during some of my most trying times. At some point in our lives, we will experience backstabbing. No one is spared from being a victim and for being guilty of this crime.

As I take in these citations, I am taken back to some memories of not long ago. No, there is no bitterness in me. Actually, the mere acceptance of what had occured made me realize why all the backstabbing happened. When a person is really in pain, he has to find a way to release it. Perhaps the reason why I had been backstabbed for quite some time is because the person could not accept what is and what was. It was a way of coping for them, maybe because it made them feel more secure.

Gauging myself, I understood that I deeply hurt because the trust was there, given without any doubt. Only after much contemplation did I realize that maybe the backstabbing had resulted from a more painful ordeal that they might be going through... That maybe deep inside, no one really understood them or that they couldn't find a more comforting way to release their own frustrations. I quickly understood. They hurt me because they were in more pain and no one really knew about it.

I hope that somehow their wounds are starting to mend. I can say I pity their situation, but I believe in the power of forgiveness- in forgiving one's self so that it can bring them the true healing they need. I pray that in their next journey, a better way of coping could be discovered. May true friendships be realized and may truth always prevail. :)

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